40 min
135 US dollars
It’s often said Meditation is the foundation of good health, but why?
Meditation enables consciousness to agent the cognitive brain. This means the thinking mind job is meant to be a helper, not the dominant character. The cognitive mind stores information, from memories ranging from uplifting and confusing to terrifying states that promote shock and disassociation. Meditation teaches the difference between logical thoughts and your consciousness ~ Hey, brain, my consciousness is the boss, not you! When we are conscious, this means we are in the present moment, not in the past or future thoughts, and able to notice our true instinctive response to the continual stimuli coming into our energy field and body/mind. This also soothes the nervous system, which is the motherboard of our Human Energy System, aiding calmness and clarity of mind. When we are able to witness ourselves at every level, we become the Agent of Action for our Soul, a Mystic Agent. Ultimately, if meditation becomes a lifestyle it brings you an existence that reflects your inner truths. We then act honestly, and directly happiness permeates our lives. Let’s meditate!
The meditative process is the foundation of a healthy mind, body, and consciousness development.
Practicing Meditation is a beginning step to actively knowing and working with your conscious. The exercise of returning to the breath builds the muscles of self-awareness and your own orientation to each moment and what is true for you.
It answers the question:
Where am I?
What am I thinking?
What is true for me?
A simple, regular meditation practice of 20 minutes a day receives benefits almost immediately.
1. Begin in a comfortable position. With spine aligned, slight curve in lower back and chin slightly down. Begin noticing/watching your breath come in and out of your nose.
2. When you can, notice when you are thinking thoughts or having an emotional experience.
"There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind- you are the one who hears it."
Quote By: The Untethered Soul
3. You have now noticed yourself in active emotions or thoughts as a witness; say "hello" to those emotions/thoughts ~ support them with an
acknowledgment: say, "thank you, I see you XYZ."
4. Now consciously focus or direct yourself back to the breath coming in and out of your nostrils.
Four easy steps to a new energetic viewpoint!
1. Begin in a comfortable position. With spine aligned, slight curve in lower back and chin slightly down. Begin noticing/watching your breath come in and out of your nose.
2. When you can, notice when you are thinking thoughts or having an emotional experience.
"There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind- you are the one who hears it."
Quote By: The Untethered Soul
3. You have now noticed yourself in active emotions or thoughts as a witness; say "hello" to those emotions/thoughts ~ support them with an
acknowledgment: say, "thank you, I see you XYZ."
4. Now consciously focus or direct yourself back to the breath coming in and out of your nostrils.
Four easy steps to a new energetic viewpoint!