3 hr
350 US dollars1 hr
250 US dollars
Sound Baths
Everything is sound. All things resonate—but at different frequencies. Quantum physics teaches that each type of human tissue resonates differently and emits characteristic signals from the nuclei of its cells. Humans respond to harmonic sound waves at the atomic level, which overrides incoherent field frequencies that are attributed to disease. Sound healing ranges from passive bathing to active breathwork journeys or dancing engagements that transmute your current energy and reset your entire human energy system!
"In the beginning was the Word," says the Gospel of John in the Bible. Also in Sanskrit a frequency-based and oldest documented language, the name of God word meaning is NADA BRAHMA, which means “the World is Sound.”
Scroll down for more information on sound baths, how sound affects the human energy system to heal, and our offerings.
Traditionally, sound healing is a felt experience that includes random dissonance and harmonic tones/overtones. The facilitator would take the participants into an altered state of neutrality, opening the system to receive sound. Now, musicians have joined this healing modality to add many different ways of receiving sound attunements, from chakra-focused tones and color tones frequencies to specific hertz-like, Theta sound waves ranging from 4 Hz to 7 Hz to scaling frequencies like the Fibannoci. The creativity is endless. Singing and sounding are also welcomed layers of sound healing.
All sound baths are different and specific to what type of energy frequency each participant brings into the space. The type of sound bath and the instruments played will affect the results.
The Mystic Agent focuses on Shamanic Sound Baths, which first bring participants into an altered state through breathwork or other energy alignment tools and intention-setting for memorable personal journeys. Clients report many different benefits from attending sound ceremonies and baths, from traveling in consciousness, change in perception and physical orientation, inspiration, and deeply dropping into a theta state to unwinding emotional pain and physical disease.
All sound affects physical matter. Sound frequencies are a continuum that described range from a disorganized non-forming messiness to a creative harmonious symphony of geometric patterns. Different tones have different effects on the human energy system. Both dissonance and harmonic sounds affect energy and bring new information to the participant, enhancing self-awareness.
EXAMPLES: A participant had a sinus infection during a sound bath and notably felt resistance during certain tones they experienced during the bath. The next day, their sinuses drained, leaving them uplifted and healed. One of my personal experiences with sound took me out of my body into an ever-unfolding lotus flower with no desires, only a sense of expansiveness while Being and ease.
Researchers began to study the application of music in medicine and healing near the end of the 19th century. Various studies report the effects of music on physiological responses, such as cardiac output, respiratory rate, pulse rate, and blood pressure (BP)all resulted in significantly less tension, anger, fatigue, and depressed mood in participants, compared to feelings they reported before the sound bath.
As a facilitator and participant for over 18 years, I have observed that sound travels to places within the human energy system that need attention and hold accumulating stuck energy. This aids the energy in loosening, opening, and often unwinding into natural symmetry. This process also reveals hidden information to the participants.
People attending any of our Sound Bathing ceremonies at least once a month report relaxing faster and more deeply. By making them a part of your wellness maintenance, you will experience long-term effects such as relaxing faster and more deeply within your mind, and physical and energetic bodies.
The Mystic Agent offers experiential two general types of Sound Baths.
Shamanic sound healing journeys, such as our Shamanic Talking Circle, Breath-work & Sound Gathering
Customized Sound Events
Book a private sound bath in the Mystic Agent’s healing space or at a location of your choice. A private sound bath is a great way to bond with friends or coworkers, celebrate a special occasion, or experience a sound bath on your schedule. Please contact us with information about your event for quotes on private events on location.
The Mystic Agent offers experiential two general types of Sound Baths.
Shamanic sound baths. Together we bring our clients into a state that supports the journeying experience.
Book a private sound bath in the Mystic Agent’s healing space or at a location of your choice. A private sound bath is a great way to bond with friends or coworkers, celebrate a special occasion, or experience a sound bath on your schedule. For quotes on private events on location, please contact us with information about your event.